AJ-Olu-1: An Innovative Path Loss Model for Typical Nigerian Urban Environments
Abstract:The modeling of outdoor path loss propagation is critical in the planning and construction of the Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) coverage area. For GSM signal prediction at any location inside its service region, a precise forecast based on critical characteristics and a mathematical model is required. Numerous research findings on path loss propagation model
forecast for GSM mobile networks conducted in various cities in Nigeria revealed that the COST231-Hata model gives closer prediction to most of the practical measure path loss values. Based on the existing COST-23-Hata path loss model and outdoor measurements at 1800 MHz frequency range within Ilorin metropolis, this paper proposed a suitable path loss model. The
developed model was used and validated in various locations throughout Ilorin city with the measured and COST-231 Hata models. The analysis of the results revealed that the developed model performed satisfactorily in terms of the closest path loss prediction to the practical measure path loss values at all study locations. It also has the lowest Square Root Means Error
and Standard Deviation (SD) of any Base Station (BTS) tested in Ilorin, Nigeria. As a result, it is concluded that the newly developed AJ-Olu-1 model is more suitable for GSM 1800 network design and installation in Ilorin City, Nigeria, as well as other cities in Nigeria and other cities outside Nigeria with similar environments.