KJSET Volume. 2, Issue 1 (2023)


Abdullahi S, Gimba Y. M, Ya u M, Babandi A, Yakasai H. M, Ibrahim S b, Babagana K , Muhammed A, Mashi J. Ma, Shehu D .


Climate change Drought Rice PGPB Bacillus species.

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Effect of Different Bacillus Species on Morphological Parameters, Chlorophyll Content and Relative Water Content of Rice under Water Stress Condition

Abstract: Multiple factors are threatening food security through climate change. Potential effect of this is seen in the variability of rainfall received with drought as the most critical factor that is affecting the growth and yield of plants. Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) are taunted as one of the most promising organisms to counter the drastic effect of climate change especially in drought condition. They facilitate the growth of plants and helps alleviate the stresses brought by abiotic stress conditions. Three previously isolated Bacillus species labeled (SA1 (Bacillus subtilis), SA3 (Bacillus niacini) and SB1 (Bacillus cereus)) were tested for plants growth promoting enhancement in rice under water stress condition. Growth parameters; Root length, shoot length, fresh of root and dry weight of root were all tested using standard techniques. Chlorophyll content was measured using SPAD chlorophyll meter while relative water content of the leaves was calculated using a standard formula. Among all the three Bacillus species tested, Bacillus subtilis (SA1) was found to enhance all the measured growth parameters, relative water content and chlorophyll content in the rice under water stress condition to a significant extent when compared with other Bacillus species. Therefore, Bacillus subtilis (OM184294) could be a potential candidate as PGPB especially under drought conditions.