KJSET Volume. 3, Issue 1 (2024)


John Saah TambaII, Val Hyginus Udoka Eze, Foday Hassan Bawor


Urban greening Heat stress Urban heat island Monrovia Climate change SDGs

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Urban greening as a sustainable solution to heat stress in tropical cities: a case study of Monrovia in Liberia

Abstract: Urbanization and climate change pose significant challenges to cities worldwide, increasing heat stress issues. Monrovia, Liberia, is currently undergoing rapid urban expansion, which exacerbates the urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon. Consequently, this raises the risk of heat stress, including adverse health effects and higher energy demands. The objective of this study is to present a comprehensive overview of Monrovia, with a specific focus on addressing/analyzing its urban greening initiatives and evaluating their effectiveness in mitigating the challenges posed by heat stress. A critical Evaluation was also conducted on the existing urban greening initiatives in Monrovia and its effect on land usage. To achieve this, comprehensive analysis methods, such as green infrastructure assessment and examination of satellite imagery, are employed. The data utilized for this study is collected from a comprehensive network centered around a single station, namely Roberts International Airport. This study aims to provide evidence-based insights into the potential of urban greening as a sustainable strategy to mitigate heat stress in tropical urban environments. Additionally, the research aims to offer recommendations for optimizing and implementing urban greening initiatives to enhance Monrovia's resilience against rising temperatures and urbanization.