KJSET Volume. 3, Issue 2 (2024)


Chomini M. S, Mbah J. J & Imoh J. A.


Biomass Degradation Sesbania pachycarpa Proximate Amino acids Nutritional

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Effects of biodegradation of Sesbania Pachycarpa DC leaves on some Physico-Chemical and nutritional characteristics of the digestates

Abstract: The effects of biodegradation of Sesbania pachycarpa leaf biomass on some physico-chemical and nutritional characteristics of the digestates was investigated. The fermented and unfermented substrates were replicated trice and assayed using recognized methods. Percentage moisture content and leaf biomass of harvested Sesbania pachycarpa leaf significantly and non-significantly ranged from 61.82 - 69.63% and 0.76 - 0.78g/m2/day respectively. Temperature and pH increased from 25°C and 5.2 to 34.0°C and 7.5 at 24hrs, gradually decreased and stabilized at 26.5°C and 6.5 after 72 hours of degradation. The crude lipids and nitrogen free extract increased from 3.01 to 5.23% and 40.64 to 42.37% respectively. There were %reductions in crude protein(11.02%), crude fiber(19.38%), ash(1.17%) and moisture(15.38%). All amino acids generally decreased except aspartic acid with 212.14% increase after degradation. Total essential and non-essential amino acids decreased by 4.36% and 54.08% respectively. There were % reduction in total aromatic amino acids (41.94%), Sulphur amino acids (91.77%), acidic amino acids (10.73%), basic amino acids (23.96%), and hydroxyl amino acids (54.01%). Nutritional parameters index, protein efficiency ratio, and amino acid score also reduced, except biological value (13.64%) and metabolizable energy (4.34%). The foregoing revealed the biochemical potentials of the biomass consequent upon the biodegradation process.