Techno-Economic Assessment of a Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic – Diesel Genset for Rural Electrification, Case study of Namabasa Village – Uganda
Abstract:In recent time, hybrid renewable energy systems are increasing being utilized to provide electricity in remote areas especially where the grid extension is considered very expensive. This study presents a techno –economic analysis of a Mini grid solar photovoltaic system for five (5) typical Zonal Communities in Namabasa ward Mbale District while promoting renewable energy system adaption and rural electrification. The assessment technique includes the establishment of the socio-economic state of the rural community through a field survey. The cost of system development ,electricity tariffs and sizing of energy production are realized via the Levelized Cost of Electricity ( LCOE) technique Sensitivity analysis was carried out to identity the parameters that affect the evolution of the (LCOE) during the life of the project, the results have shown that the annual energy production at a rate of 12,693.2 Mwh/year and capacity of 1449kW, while the lowest is predict at Namabasa Zone II at the rate of 2847MWh/year a capacity of 325KW where business consumers. The standard (LCOE) for system during the 15-year lifespan in the five (5) zones is estimated 350/= per KWh except at Doko II, this cost per Kilowatt Hour is more attractive and competitive compared with the current rate charged by the National electricity company.