Editorial Policy


1.Submission Checklist:

Authors submitting articles for publication in KJSET observe that manuscript:  

  • Has been categorized according to the paper typology.
  • Title is short and meets the journal mission and goals..
  • Author names and their affiliations have been provided (one author assigned as a corresponding author). 
  • Abstract is stand-alone text (not more than 250 words).
  • Has relevant keywords (not more than 6 words)
  • Adhere with limits for text, tables, figures.
  • Contains all the essential elements; Title, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Method, Results, Discussion, References.
  • Has been subjected to grammar and plagiarism checker.
  • Figures and tables are captioned and referred to in the text.
  • References cited in the text are listed in the References section.
  • Has been granted permission to use copyrighted material and all necessary declarations have been made.
  • Materials have been uploaded through the recommended KJSET submission portal.

2.Type of Articles (number of words does not include abstract and references):

Articles submitted for publication in KJSET fall under the following categories among others: 

  • Original Research Articles (not more than 5000)
  • Review Articles (not more than 5000)
  • Case Studies (not more than 5000)
  • Reports (not more than 2500 words)
  • Letters (not more than 2000 words)


KJSET accepts only manuscripts submitted in British or American English.