Submission Preparation Checklist
1. Manuscript organization / formating guidelines
KJSET accepts only manuscripts (Times New Roman, 10 pt) submitted in an editable word processing software with the following attributes; double-column format, single-spaced and justified. All manuscripts must contain the essential elements to deliver the content of the study (refer to the KJSET manuscript template). Manuscript sections are clearly numbered and the sub-sections (1, 2, 3, etc. and 1.1. 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, etc.).
1.1 Title.
The manuscript title should be brief (not more than 20 words); no acronyms, no formulae's.
2.2 Authors.
This subsection is characterized by the following:
- Full names of each author
- Authors’ affiliations (including the country)
- Affiliations with a superscript number after the author’s name
- E-mail address of each author.
- Corresponding Author to facilitate follow-up
1.3 Abstract (not more than 250 words).
A brief abstract without acronyms should concisely outline the purpose of the study, materials and methods, major findings, and conclusions.
1.4 Keywords (not more than 6 words).
Avoid general terms, acronyms as much as you can. Your key words shall be used for indexing.
1.5 Introduction.
This section provides the background, (very) brief literature and the purpose of the study/research.
1.6 Materials and Method.
Adequate information is required under section to be able to permit the study to be appropriately used and/or reproduced by the reader. The requirement for dissemination of knowledge.
1.7 Results.
Manuscript should present a clear and concise findings accruing from the study/research.
1.8 Discussion.
Your manuscript should discuss the implication of the findings from the study/research.
1.9 Conclusions.
Present the synthesis of the key points of your work under this section.
1.10 Acknowledgements where necessary.
2. References.
References must confirm to APA style. In-text citation (author, year). KJSET encourages authors to include DOIs in their references list (e.g. yyyyyyy).
3. Figures (total of 8).
Your figure (TIFF format) is submitted as a seperate file not part of the text. All your figures are captioned with a concise title. Ensure to explain all symbols used in the figures. KJSET encourages authors to submit figures with high resolution (DPI 300)
4. Tables (total of 3).
The tables should conform to the following:
- No vertical lines
- Editable text not images
- Numbering is done accordingly
- Font 10 pt Times New Romans
5. Abbreviations.
Define all non standard abbreviations in the footnote.
6. Nomenclature and Units.
Strictly use the SI system of units and observe all the features and rules governing the use of the international system of units.
7. Mathematical Equations.
Ensure conformity with the following:
- Equations are editable
- Use Math Editors to write equations
- Number all equations sequentially