Unsteady Free Convective Heat Generating Micropolar Fluid Flow Through Porous Medium in The Presence of Forchheimer Number with Mhd And Constant Heat And Mass Fluxes
Abstract:The effect of heat source and Forchheimer on an unsteady MHD heat and mass transfer generated due to free convective micro-polar fluid flow over a vertical porous medium under magnetic field was investigated. The problem was investigated for both cooling and heating effects. The governing equation for unsteady one dimensional boundary layer equations of momentum, angular momentum, temperature and concentration was considered. An implicit finite difference solution was obtained for the non-dimensional Momentum, Angular Momentum, Energy and Concentration equations respectively. The computed values of fluid velocity, angular velocity, temperature and concentrations and also were analyzed for the different parameters, such as magnetic parameter M, thermal Grashof number Gr, modify Grashof’s Number Gm, Prandtl Number Pr, and Schmidt Number Sc, Eckert number Ec, micro-rotational parameter d, spin gradient viscosity parameter Ʌ, heat source α, vortex viscosity parameter λ, Darcy’s number Da and Soret Sr. It was observed that velocity profile increases with increase in parameter such as, M, and Gr and, also decreases with increase in Pr, Gm and Da. It also noticed that the temperature rises with increase magnetic parameter M, and Ec, the temperature reduces with increase in Pr number, d, and α. In angular velocity profile the velocity reduced drastically when the Ʌ and λ. while in concentration profile the concentration increases with increase in Sc and decreases with increase in Sr.