Investigating Residential Attitudes and Perceptions of Solid Waste Generation Management System in Makindye Division of Kampala
Abstract:The goal of this study is to determine residents' attitudes, perceptions, and understanding of the Makindye division's solid waste management system, as well as make recommendations about solid waste generation, planning, and control measures. For district authorities and municipalities that lack the requisite logistical skills to handle the expanding solid waste, managing collected solid waste has recently become a baffling and intimidating challenge. Essentially, the management of solid waste creation is inadequate and ineffective as a result of insufficient regulatory regulations, low technical capabilities, and a lack of public awareness, leading in environmental contamination and a variety of health problems. A poll of 400 respondents in the division was used to collect primary data. The data was analyzed using SPSS software programs. The findings show that increasing the amount of effort put into solid waste treatment reduces the amount of solid waste generated. The results revealed a strong link between management and the environment, as well as a p-value. Furthermore, the findings show that the p-value is strongly linked to management and health. When measured by the mean and standard deviation, attitudes and perceptions are statistically significant. To develop a health-hazard-free environment, it is concluded that a collaborative effort by all stakeholders, as well as the application of sustainable environmental education, is required. As a result, it is vital that environmental protection and community authorities collaborate to improve the quality of life in urban areas while also anticipating future concerns.