Logistics dynamics and optimization of solid waste disposal landfills in Lagos Metropolis Nigeria
Abstract:The complexity of growth in population and rapid urbanization has complicated the problem of prompt evacuation of solid waste in Lagos metropolis. Besides the collection process, the disposal of the collected waste is highly important for gaining satisfactory results on waste management. The main objective of the study was to optimize the location of waste transfer loading stations and landfill sites using Geographic Information System (GIS) in order to improve solid waste management system in Lagos metropolis. Data on the GIS Network Analyst was carried out with the p-median method of location-allocation models. The p-median allocates the transfer stations to the nearest landfill, thus giving an efficient pattern of movements from transfer stations to landfill sites while maximizing total solid waste collection and disposal for environmental sustainability. The optimisation of waste management system using ArcGIS analysis showed a reduction in mean distance travel of 1.43km from existing transfer loading stations and landfills (11.92 km) to proposed transfer loading stations and landfills (10.49 km). This implies a reduction of 12 percent in the mean distance from transfer loading stations to proposed landfills. Based on the findings, the study therefore recommends possible interventions such as regular collection of solid waste, proper management of the transfer loading stations and landfills, adequate resources for the waste management authority, and there should be more efforts at ensuring that waste containers are provided where solid wastes from households can be collected and transported to the final disposal landfill.