KJSET Volume. 3, Issue 1 (2024)


Mugumya Athur, Akankunda Joan, Matsiko Emmanuel & Mohammed Dahiru Buhari


Digital signal processing (DSP) Signal processing methods Machine learning algorithms Denoising Internet of Things (IoT) 5G networks Electrocardiogram (ECG)

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A review in advanced digital signal processing systems

Abstract: Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is a powerful technology that helps in making sense of various signals, like sounds and images, using computers. This review paper explains the meaning of DSP, shows how it works to process and enhance signals. It explores the wide range of signal processing methods, categorizing them from basic noise reduction to advanced machine learning algorithms, and how they are used today to improve the quality of audio, images, medical data, and other control systems. The paper further examines into signal processing techniques, providing a comprehensive understanding of the diverse methodologies employed in DSP applications. Additionally, it addresses not only the advancements but also the drawbacks associated with advanced DSP systems, offering insightful recommendations for overcoming challenges and optimizing performance. This review also includes categories of DSP methods, providing a structured overview of the different approaches within the field. It offers a clear and concise understanding of DSP, its practical uses, and its exciting potential in the digital age