KJSET Volume. 1, Issue 1 (2022)


PETER, B. A.+++PETER, R. E.+++IDOWU, S. A.


Reactive womersley flow power-law fluid analytic functions

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Analysis of Temperature-Dependent Womersley Flow of a Power-Law Fluid through a Porous Medium on Analytic Functions

Abstract: The goal of this research is to look into the analytic functions for temperature-dependent womersley flow of a power-law fluid through a porous material. Bessel functions are a set of solutions to a second-order differential equation that can appear in a variety of contexts. Mechanics, electrodynamics, elasticity, hydrodynamics, electrical engineering, oscillatory systems, electro engineering, and maritime engineering, heat distribution over an area (smartphones), pressure vessel design, microphone design, solid state physics, and celestial mechanics are some of the applications of Bessel functions. The following tools were used: analytical functions theorems, Microsoft Excel, and Maple Software 2018. The physical properties that describe a power-law fluid passing through a porous media have a significant impact on the flow system's mass transfer. The temperature-dependent parameter should be maintained well enough for optimal production, according to field and production engineers.